Month: April 2018

Pork Loin with Mushroom and Brie Sauce

This is such an easy and delicious meal. It’s quick and easy to serve during the week but luxurious enough to eat for a special occasion. It’s a hearty and warm meal that is really perfect for a cool and cozy day. My daughter’s favorite cheese is brie so it […]

Swedish Word of the Week | Grön

The Swedish Word of the Week this week is grön. Grön means green in Swedish and I thought it was an appropriate word for the week as we have experienced so much rain. Everything outside is sure to be a nice lush green by the end of the week. Sweden […]

Swedish Word of the Week | Påskkärringer

This should be a fun one to explain. Since we just celebrated Easter I thought we should learn a word that has to do with Easter traditions in Sweden. I chose this word because we do not have anything like this in the U.S. Påskkärringer=Easter Witch An ancient popular tale […]